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Editorial Committee

The Editorial Committee is made up of seven to nine members. Members of the Editorial Committee are appointed by the Executive Head of AISA based on their expertise in African affairs. The Editor in Chief of the journal is an independent scholar of national and international repute.

The Executive Head of AISA will chair of the Editorial Committee meetings. The team would also include a Book Editor and two other scholars. Members of the Editorial Committee shall serve for a period of 5 years. Their tenure is renewable.

AISA through its Executive Head and the Africa Insight Editorial Committee will strive to:

(a) ensure that articles accepted for publication in the journal are be peer-reviewed;

(b) ensure that at least 75% of contributions published in the journal must emanate from multiple institutions in Africa and the diaspora;

(c) ensure that the journal maintains its International Standard Serial Number (ISSN);

(d) ensure that the journal is published quarterly;

(d) ensure that the journal has an Editorial Board whose membership covers a range of expertise relevant to the focus areas of the journal;

(e)  ensure that no more than two-thirds of board members are from the same institution.