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AISA Flagship Publications

The State of Africa 2010/11 : Parameters and Legacies of Governance and Issue Areas

The State of Africa series project, initiated by the Africa Institute of South Africa (AISA) in 2003-2004, aims to identify critical issues in intra- and inter-African relations. The first two volumes, published in 2004 and 2008, explored politics, governance, MDGs, peace, conflict, and regional development. The third volume, Parameters and Legacies of Governance and Issue Areas, provides in-depth analysis of dynamics at national, regional, continental, and international levels. The project also examines the global transformation in the 1980s and 1990s, focusing on conceptual units like the state, indigenous organizations, and priority issues like gender and empowerment.

Africa A to Z Continental & Country Profiles

Africa is a vast continent whose population in fast approaching one billion. African also has more politically independent states than any other continent. Africa A-Z attempts to provide, in a concise manner, the facts for an elementary understanding of the continent and its complex issues. The book falls into two main sections. The five chapters in the first section focus on the continent as a whole, dealing with its physical and human diversity, its eventful history and Africans' struggle for economic survival. The second main section contains profiles of 57 independent and non-independent countries, ranging from Algeria to Zimbabwe.


This latest volume of South African Foreign Policy Review assesses South Africa's foreign policy during the presidency of Cyril Ramaphosa. Focusing on such themes as foreign policy leadership, policy architecture, diplomacy, national interests, and the country's bi- and multilateral relations, the authors also consider how South Africa can maintain--and even increase--its role both in the region and internationally.