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Editorial Advisory Board

The Africa Insight Journal shall have an Editorial Advisory Board.  This Board of the Journal shall advice the Editorial Committee on the strategic direction the Journal should take. Members of the Editorial Advisory Board shall be nominated by the Executive Head of AISA in consultation with the Editorial Committee of the journal.  Only researchers with an extensive publishing record on African Affairs and who hold a doctorate degree (PhD) shall be eligible for appointment as a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal. Members of the Editorial Advisory Board shall serve for a period of 5 years. Their tenure is renewable for up to 3 consecutive terms.  Members of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal will only be permitted to publish one article in the journal per calendar year.

The AISA Executive Head shall be the Chair of the Editorial Board. Members of the Editorial Committee will be ex-officio members of the Editorial Board. Members of the Editorial Board will, amongst other duties be expected to:

  • Hold two Editorial Advisory Board meetings of the journal per financial year to undertake a review of the state of the journal. Meetings of the Editorial Board will either be virtual or at the HSRC offices in Pretoria. When possible, Editorial Board meetings will be held as a side event of an International Conference organized by AISA.
  • Review papers delegated by the Editorial Committee.
  • Advise the Editorial Committee on journal policy and emerging issues.
  • Members of the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal shall play the role of ambassadors of the journal in their respective areas of research expertise.
  • Members of the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal shall from time to time expected to suggest special issues that the journal should consider or commission.
  • In the same light, members of the Editorial Advisory Board shall also be considered as guest editors of special issues of the journal.